Case Study Two
Client Aim-'To stay out of Care Home'

Medication Management
Advocate on medical issues.
Request medication review.
Liaise with mental health team. Dementia diagnosis removed from his medical records.
Attend essential GP appointment.
Remove old medication.
Hospital visit/advocate on ward.
Coordinated hospital discharge.
Organised Podiatry.
Work alongside Nurse, Wellbeing Team, CPN, OT GP, and Physio.
Legal Financial Support
Liaise with Solicitors/LPA’s now in place.
Advocating for relatives’ jewellery which was not returned from hospital.
Help sort and process unopened mail.
Arranging a life line system.
Organised block on nuisance telephone calls.
Support of Wellbeing
Purchases and essential supplies.
Purchased clothing.
Purchase a kettle.
Purchased an electric shaver.
Purchase a bedside light and bedding.
Purchased refrigerator.
Purchased new mattress as old one was damp and broken.
Personal Assistance
Organised a laundrette rota.
PA supports weekly shopping trip.
Escorted for haircut and shave.
Dealing with multiple grief, 1 to 1 talks.
First Christmas not alone for 52 years.
PA visit Christmas Day.
PA transported home from hospital.
PA building a family tree.
Restarting fish and chip weekly routine.
Reconnection with community groups supported by PA.
Go clothes shopping with him.
Reorganise missed NHS appointments (Podiatry).
Organise transport to new appointments.
Administrative Tasks
Organised meals on wheels 7 days a week. ​​
Nutritional and meal support
Organised for a window cleaner and gardener.
Get property rewired as dangerous.
Condemned heating replaced.
Organised for a new bathroom to be fitted.
Decluttering and cleaning of the whole property.
Purchased and fitted a smoke alarm.
Fit a carbon monoxide detector.
Home Safety and Maintenance
5 months example...
face to face visits, phone calls and emails, delivered across daytime, evening and weekends.